Elizabeth and Patrick were one of the many couples in 2020 that had to make the hard choice to postpone their wedding to this year. And early this year they made the second tough choice to downsize their wedding since they were unsure what COVID restrictions would be by the time their day rolled around. They were determined to make it the very best day ever, no matter what.
Elizabeth got ready in her childhood home. It was extra sentimental because her parents are selling their house and moving to North Carolina this month so it was the last big event to happen within the walls of this place she’s called home her entire life. She put her wedding gown on in her childhood bedroom with her mom and soon-to-be mother in law’s help. Did I tear up a little bit?? You already know I did.
Both Elizabeth and Patrick spent their wedding morning surrounded by their closest family and dearest friends who love and support them in the sweetest ways. Elizabeth and Patrick had the sweetest gifts for their parents and their bridal party. It was abundantly clear how much time and thought they put into each part of their wedding.
From there we headed over to the church for the ceremony! Elizabeth and Patrick shared a first look and then headed inside for a classic Catholic Church wedding ceremony.
After their ceremony we headed over to the Allentown Rose Garden to do the portraits. On the way to their portrait location I took a peek at the weather and saw that there was a nasty thunderstorm headed our way. With huge props to the bridal party, we were able to get all of their pictures done in record time. It drizzled a little bit but the bulk of it held off until right at the end of bride and groom portraits and it poured BUCKETS for a large part of the remainder of the day.
Elizabeth and Patrick refused to let anything get them down. They danced in the rain, partied with their friends and fully enjoyed the start of a brand new chapter!
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